Results of the Call 2017

Results of the Call 2017 QuantERA Consortium is pleased to announce the results of the QuantERA Call 2017. Thanks to joint funding provided by the European Union and QuantERA member organisations, the list of projects recommended for funding includes 26 excellent international proposals in the field of quantum technology research: Quantum communication Quantum simulation Quantum…


Rebuttal Stage’ of the Call 2017

Rebuttal Stage’ of the Call 2017 The ‘Rebuttal Stage’ of the QuantERA Call 2017 has just started. In this phase, the Project Coordinator (in the name of the whole Project Consortium) has the possibility to comment on the evaluations, in order to address any factual inaccuracies raised by the experts. The comments (if any) will…


Call 2017: full-proposals phase closed

Call 2017: full-proposals phase closed Submission of the full-proposals to the QuantERA Call 2017 has now been completed: all of the consortia invited to the 2nd submission stage submitted their full proposals. Projects that will successfully go through the national eligibility check will then be evaluated by the scientific experts constituting the Evaluation Panel and…


Electronic Submission System for full proposals is now open

Electronic Submission System for full proposals is now open Project Consortia invited to the second stage of the QuantERA Call 2017 can now submit their full proposals through the Electronic Submission System, which has been opened earlier today. Guidelines and further information can be found under the following link: QuantERA_Call_2017_-_Submission_Guidelines_Stage_2 In case of any further…


High interest in the Call 2017

High interest in the Call 2017 European research community showed high interest in the QuantERA Call 2017 submitting 221 pre-proposals during the first stage, which was closed on March 15th, 2017. Project consortia include applicants from all 30 funding partners of QuantERA. Consortia that will successfully go through the eligibility check and the first stage…


Electronic Submission System is now open

Electronic Submission System is now open The Electronic Submission System (ESS) for the QuantERA Call 2017 is now open. Guidelines and further information can be found under the following link: QuantERA_Call_2017_-_Financial_Form The Financial Form that should be used for preparing the budget of an international consortium has been approved and is now ready for downloading:…


Results of the QuantERA Proposers Day in Malta

Results of the QuantERA Proposers Day in Malta On February 16th, 2017 more than 100 participants attended the QuantERA Proposers Day in Malta. The meeting started with a presentation of the QuantERA Network given by the Programme Coordinator, the National Science Centre from Poland. The following remarks of Sir Peter Knight – the Chair of…
