Towards Room Temperature Quantum Technologies
The goal of RouTe is to lay the foundations for a quantum technology that can operate at room temperature, thus taking a first major leap towards exploiting fundamental quantum phenomena in light-matter interaction for real-world applications. The enabling physical systems are organic materials that display quantum properties even at room temperature when coupled resonantly to cavity modes or plasmonic structures.
Due to the unique multi-level nature of organic materials, light-matter coupling can be explored over a wide range of energies from the infra-red to the ultra-violet, which opens up new opportunities for quantum science and technology.
Our objectives include the realization of: i) Room temperature quantum simulator setups for many-body lattice models and topological states of matter with polaritons; ii) Strongly coupled light-matter interfaces with applications to quantum communication and robust quantum information storage at room temperature; and iii) Enhanced material properties and chemical reactivity by making use of strong coupling of organic materials to photonic or phononic modes prepared in their vacuum state.
RouTe is a highly interdisciplinary project that crosses scientific boundaries by bringing together partners with theoretical and experimental expertise in quantum optics, condensed matter physics, chemistry, and material science. The synergetic overlap between the partners is needed to tackle the ambitious and challenging goals of RouTe.
- Coordinator: Thomas Ebbesen (University of Strasbourg & CNRS, FR)
- Vahid Sandoghdar (Max-Planck Institute, DE)
- Francisco Garcia-Vidal (Madrid Autonomous University, ES)
- Paivi Torma (Aalto University, FI)
- Boleslaw Kozankiewicz (Polish Academy of Sciences, PL)
- Thilo Stoferle (IBM Research – Zurich Laboratory, CH)
MID-TERM REPORTING: Presentation of the mid-term results of the project
FINAL REPORTING: Presentation of the final results of the project