Electronic Submission System for the Call 2019 is now open

Electronic Submission System for the Call 2019 is now open The Electronic Submission System (ESS) for the QuantERA Call 2019 is now open. Guidelines and further information can be found under the following link: QuantERA_Call_2019_-_Financial_Form The link to access the system: QuantERA_Call_2019_-_Submission_Guidelines The Financial Form that should be used for preparing the budget of an…


New Funders in the Call 2019!

New Funders in the Call 2019! We are happy to inform that two more organisations from Italy have confirmed their participation in the QuantERA Call 2019. The new Funders within the Call are: INFN – Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare INRIM – Istituto Nazionale di Ricerche Metrologiche The updated Call Announcement is available here: QuantERA_Call_2019_-_Announcement_updated_11122018…


Call 2019 Announcement

Call 2019 Announcement QuantERA Network is pleased to announce its 2nd call for proposals in the field of quantum technologies. Submitted proposals should explore collaborative advanced multidisciplinary science and/or cutting-edge engineering with the potential to initiate or foster new lines of quantum technologies and help Europe grasp leadership early on in promising future technology areas.…


More countries joined the Call 2019!

More countries joined the Call 2019! We are happy to inform that three more countries confirmed their participation in the upcoming QuantERA Call 2019. The updated list of the participating countries includes: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,…


Info & networking session for the Call 2019

Info & networking session for the Call 2019 On December 5th, 2018 join us for the QuantERA Call 2019 information and networking session that will be organized within the ICT 2018 Event in Vienna. The event will take place in the Austria Center Vienna (Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1, 1220, Wien) in Room L8 from 14.30 until 16.00. The…


Partner Search Tool for the Call 2019

Partner Search Tool for the Call 2019 QuantERA has secured a dedicated networking space for researchers interested in applying for funding within the QuantERA Call 2019. QuantERA Call 2019 Partner Search Tool gives applicants the opportunity to express interest either in joining an existing network or to search for new partner(s) in an already established network.…


Call 2019 Pre-Announcement

Call 2019 Pre-Announcement In November 2018 the QuantERA Consortium, coordinated by the National Science Centre, will announce a 2nd Call for Proposals in the field of quantum technologies. Thematic scope of proposals should include one or more of the following areas: Quantum communication Quantum simulation Quantum computation Quantum information sciences Quantum metrology sensing and imaging…


QuantERA will launch 2nd Call for Proposals

QuantERA will launch 2nd Call for Proposals QuantERA Consortium is pleased to announce that the 2nd Call for Proposals in the field of Quantum Technologies will be launched at the end of November 2018. Thematic scope of the Call will include the topics of: Quantum communication Quantum simulation Quantum computation Quantum information sciences Quantum metrology…


Project Launch Follow-up

Project Launch Follow-up More than 100 participants attended the QuantERA Project Launch Event, which was organized in Bucharest on April 24th, 2018. The aim of the event was to gather the representatives of the 26 QuantERA-funded projects, European Commission, research funders and quantum community. The meeting was hosted by UEFISCDI – a research funding organisation…
