Theory-Blind Quantum Control
Accurate control of complex quantum systems is of great importance for the development of quantum technologies, as it permits to achieve many goals with high accuracy despite inherent system imperfections. Realising this in practice, however, is a great challenge, since it requires precise models and numerically expensive simulations.
The central goal of this project is to develop and implement control techniques that do not require theoretical modelling, simulation or any knowledge of a systems’ microscopic decomposition. Instead, all necessary information will be obtained directly from the experiment. We will identify control targets that characterise desired properties of quantum systems well, and that can be estimated accurately and efficiently in an experiment. Based on the assessment of these targets and their dependence on tunable control parameters, we will develop control algorithms such that an optimal control protocol is found within a minimal number of experimental measurements.
These methods will be developed in direct interplay between simulations of experiments with many-body systems and actual experimental implementations. In simulations we will target the creation and stabilisation of many-body localised states and time-crystalline structures, that will give evidence that the novel control techniques can cope with state-of-the-art quantum many-body problems. Experimentally we will consider the preparation of highly non-classical states of a levitated nano-sphere and the formation of large crystals of Rydberg atoms. With an experiment on an extremely massive quantum object and an experiment with many,strongly interacting quantum systems, we will be able to experimentally achieve goals that are clearly out of reach with existing control techniques.Having verified the efficacy of the control techniques, we will develop a software package and make it publicly available such that it finds broad application in the development of quantum technologies.
- Coordinator: Florian Mintert (Imperial College London, UK)
- Daniel Burgarth (Aberystwyth University, UK)
- Robert Loew (University of Stuttgart, DE)
- Markus Aspelmeyer (University of Vienna, AT)
- Krzysztof Sacha (Jagiellonian University, PL)
- Jose Leitao (Instituto de Telecomunicacoes, PT)
- Radim Filip (Palacky University of Olomouc, CZ)
MID-TERM REPORTING: Presentation of the mid-term results of the project
FINAL REPORTING: Presentation of the final results of the project