Short Video Contest results
We would like to officially announce the results of QuantERA Short Video Contest – “Different shades of Quantum Technologies”: Congratulations to the winning team of QuantaGENOMICS Project! QuantaGENOMICS – THE WINNER
We would like to officially announce the results of QuantERA Short Video Contest – “Different shades of Quantum Technologies”: Congratulations to the winning team of QuantaGENOMICS Project! QuantaGENOMICS – THE WINNER
Thank you for participating in QuantERA Strategic Conference We would like to say a big THANK YOU to all guests who participated in QuantERA Strategic Conference on 20-21 September in Kraków! These two days were full of inspiring presentations, insights and conversations. Pictures, posters and presentations from the event will be avalable soon on QuantERA…
QuantERA Strategic Conference Agenda We are glad to inform that QuantERA Strategic Conference Agenda is available now. The Conference will be open for the Parties involved in the QuantERA programme (registration required). For more information connected to the Conference, please go to the dedicated page – QuantERA Strategic Conference.
QuantERA Short Video Contest – Different shades of Quantum Technologies The world of quantum technologies consists of thousands ideas and possibilities influencing our reality in plenty of ways! This variety is reflected also in the QuantERA Programme, where numerous diverse concepts meet. We believe that different visions enrich the scientific society and connect it together.…
Women leaders in quantum – ZALA LENARČIČ, the Coordinator of the QuSiED Project “I actually believe that we should promote science and scientific thinking to kids and girls in kindergartens, schools, high schools. This is how we can really change the pattern, not by forcing hiring female PhD students…”.says Zala Lenarčič, the Coordinator of QuSiED…
QuantERA Projects Catalogue 2021 We are glad to inform that the latest QuantERA Projects Catalogue is available now! In the publication you can read about 39 excellent European projects awarded funding in QuantERA Call 2021. What’s more, the catalogue introduces an updated information about the Programme, including the most current statistics and the 2021 Call…
Women leaders in quantum – YIWEN CHU, the Coordinator of the MQSens Project “In my field there are groups with many female scientists, which consequently attract even more women (…) When I talked to my students, they said that joining a group seemed to them natural, just because they saw the other women members, who…
Women leaders in quantum: a series of interviews with QuantERA projects coordinators We are happy to introduce a series of interviews with QuantERA women coordinators of projects funded in 2017, 2019 and 2021 calls. The interviews aim to: Highlight the presence of women researchers among the Coordinators of the QuantERA-funded projects in QuantERA; Encourage the…
Science Business about QuantERA: Quantum ideas are born in Europe We are happy to inform that QuantERA’s impact on European quantum technologies has been described in latest Science Business article, written by Anna Korzekwa-Józefowicz. In the SB news you can read more about boosting the European potential by QuantERA and bringing the revolutionary change to quantum…
SAVE THE DATE – QuantERA Strategic Conference QuantERA continues its efforts towards networking stakeholders in the field of Quantum Technologies. The Strategic Conference, planned for 20-21 September 2022 in Krakow, Poland, will bring together: – QuantERA Project Leaders & Strategic Advisory Board; – QuantERA Network of 39 Research Funding Organisations; – Representatives of the European…