Mid-Term Conference Follow-up

Mid-Term Conference Follow-up QuantERA Mid-Term Strategic Conference gathered more than 100 participants at the premises of the University of Granada, Spain on 13-14 November, 2019. The event was hosted by the University of Granada and Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI) – a Spanish research funding organisation and QuantERA partner institution.     Materials from the meeting…

QuantERA Mid-Term Strategic Conference

QuantERA Mid-Term Strategic Conference There are only few days left to the QuantERA Strategic Conference that will gather more than 100 participants at the premises of the University of Granada, Spain for a mid-term evaluation of the QuantERA-funded projects. The audience of the event will comprise of the representatives of the quantum research community, incl.…

Quantum Presidency event in Helsinki 17-18 October

Quantum Presidency event in Helsinki 17-18 October The Finnish Presidency – Quantum Flagship event will take place on 17th and 18th of October in Helsinki. The two day event will be dedicated to the Quantum Technology community, the Quantum Flagship as well as setting the Strategic Research Agenda, which will be presented and discussed among…

Results of the Call 2019

Results of the Call 2019 QuantERA Consortium is pleased to announce the results of the QuantERA Call 2019. Thanks to the funding provided by the QuantERA member organisations, the list of projects recommended for funding includes 12 excellent international proposals in the field of quantum technology research for over EUR 13M. The list of the…

QuantERA Mid-term Strategic Conference Registration

QuantERA Mid-term Strategic Conference Registration The registration for the QuantERA Mid-term Strategic Conference is now open! QuantERA Mid-Term Strategic Conference will take place in Granada on 13-14 November, 2019 (Universidad de Granada, Calle Dr. Severo Ochoa, 18001 Granada). This 2-day event will be dedicated to presentation and mid-term evaluation of the QuantERA-funded projects as well…

Call 2019: first feedback sent!

Call 2019: first feedback sent! The 1st stage of the evaluation process within the QuantERA Call 2019 has been finalized and its results shared with the Coordinators of 85 submitted proposals. At the 1st stage of evaluation, each short proposal was reviewed, evaluated and ranked by the scientific Evaluation Panel, following the criteria recommended by…

QuantERA Mid-term Strategic Conference

QuantERA Mid-term Strategic Conference Save the date for the QuantERA Mid-term Strategic Conference that will take place in Granada on 13-14 November, 2019. The 2-day event will be dedicated to presentation and mid-term evaluation of the QuantERA-funded projects as well as strategic discussions among the quantum community, research funders and policy makers. Stay tuned for…

Call 2019: submission phase closed

Call 2019: submission phase closed 85 proposals have been submitted to the QuantERA Call 2019, which was closed on February 18th, 2019. The proposals involve researchers from 24 countries participating in the Call. Proposals that will successfully go through the national eligibility check will then be evaluated by the scientific experts in a two-stage process. After…

Electronic Submission System for the Call 2019 is now open

Electronic Submission System for the Call 2019 is now open The Electronic Submission System (ESS) for the QuantERA Call 2019 is now open. Guidelines and further information can be found under the following link: QuantERA_Call_2019_-_Financial_Form The link to access the system: QuantERA_Call_2019_-_Submission_Guidelines The Financial Form that should be used for preparing the budget of an…